Murder Most Fab
By Julian Clary
By Julian Clary
Whenever I have a few spare pennies lying around, which believe me is not often, my mind instantly wanders to which book I should buy next. One sunny day, whilst perusing the book isle in my local Asda, a certain book practically threw itself off the shelf and into my hands, ok so maybe I am exaggerating a teeny, tiny smidge but you get the point. After eyeing up the super bright and gorgeously camp front cover of 'Murder Most Fab' I had no choice but to march straight to the till and hand over my cash. I was equally curious to discover just what the delightful Julian Clary was like as an author and I have to say I was not at all disappointed.
'Murder Most Fab' is the dark comedic story of Johnny Debonair, a country boy from Kent who finds himself in the big, bad world that is London. It documents how he climbed his way to the top and became known as 'Mr. Friday Night', a huge TV star and then, of course, how his shaded past catches up with him and drags him back down to nothing.
Glamour, sex and murder - it is a compelling read. Julian Clary is an amazing writer and I couldn't help but be impressed. People have said the story is maybe a little over-the-top and outrageous but when you read the story you can understand and believe how easy it could be to do what Johnny does, what some people will do for fame... and love.
The title obviously lets us in on the fact that there is a murder in the story and I did feel like I was waiting for it to happen for the first half of the book. Every new character that appeared trigged my thoughts again as to who it would be that has this fate awaiting them. However, I still shocked by the murders and the how's and why's behind them. Not what I was expecting at all and I must say that I truly adored every second of this book. It's difficult not to fall in love with Johnny and empathise with his struggles. Anyone who has experienced performing arts will also recognise many of the characters in this book, the people never change.

Like any good book 'Murder Most Fab' had me laughing out loud, feeling a little sad and tearful, excited and desperate for more by the last page, I had to know what happened next. But that shall never happen.
Within a few short days the book was finished and now I want to rave about it and let everyone else know how amazing it was. Head out and buy it right now!
Love Always
Rai CupcakeFace
My first ever review of anything!
ReplyDeletePlease let me know what you thought....
This is a brilliant review! It's really interesting and it definitely makes me want to read the book. Thanks! Glad I found your blog. :)
ReplyDeleteAwww wow. Thank you Luisa, that means alot. xxxxxxxx