Friday, 8 May 2009

Sugar Paper Zine and Crafty Stuffs

Sugar Paper Zine , originally uploaded by Rai CupcakeFace.

I received all three issues of Sugar Paper Zine today.
Super excited.
I adore getting mail!

So as I need to re-discover my creative Me again I have decided to at least attempt every single 'thing to make and do' in each zine and photograph and blog about each activity.

I think so.

I also have the last night of my show tonight.
DJ Faustus has been an amazing play and I am very honoured to have been chosen to be a part of it and work with such an amazing director and cast.
I shall be attempting to get my program signed by each cast member tonight, it's tradition for every play I am in.

I keep using the word each far too much today.

Love and Cupcakes


  1. eeeeeeeeekkk! I can't wait to see yr crafty blogness!!

  2. Hi! I like your posts! :P I've been a few plays too, aren't they fun? I'm always overusing loads of words too, it's sooo annoying! lol
